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We came across many of our clients who wanted to develop their internal site for their own use and also an external site for their clients. This can be easily achieved through sharepoint.
With Sharepoint, you can create your website, manage access to your site for different users, access the site on your PC, Mac or mobile.
Other than this Sharepoint provides various applications (both Microsoft and third party) which can be directly used in your website e.g. planner, calendar, list, documents/video sharing etc. Sharepoint also provides custom tools like search for files, peoples in the company.
Moreover, your site is available on the cloud, so you don't need to maintain any server.
How can MYPE help you?
As a Sharepoint consultant, we can help you at every step of creating a customized site for your need. We can guide you by understanding your need and providing you with the best possible solution in very less amount of time.
In case you have a specific need for which there is no custom application available in Sharepoint, MYPE would build your application for you.
One example of the customized site we developed is shown in below image. This site represents a planner with 'view access' available for all the users but 'edit access' available only for the admin.
What do you need once after your Sharepoint site is created?
All you need is a Microsoft 365 License for all the users to access and maintain your side.
Check out our Microsoft Power BI training courses here.
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